Running the Secure-Signer Container

Prepare a volume

By default, any data created within a Docker container is lost if the container is removed. Secure-Signer maintains our keys and slashing protection databases, so we want this data to persist should anything happen to the container. To do so, we will create a Docker volume called Secure-Signer-Backup.

    docker volume create Secure-Signer-Backup

We can verify the volume exists and inspect it with the following:

    puffer@Puffer-Dev:~$ docker volume ls
    local     Secure-Signer-Backup

    puffer@Puffer-Dev:~$ docker volume inspect Secure-Signer-Backup                                                                 [0/1657]
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-01T00:17:30Z",                                                                                            
        "Driver": "local",                                                                                                              
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/Secure-Signer-Backup/_data",
        "Name": "Secure-Signer-Backup",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"

Start the container

The pufferfinance/secure_signer:latest container image can be found here. The following command will start running a secure_signer container with the name secure_signer_container. Notice we are mounting the volume Secure-Signer-Backup to the /Secure-Signer enclave directory so any changes to Secure-Signer persist if the container is removed:

docker run -itd --network host --mount type=volume,source=Secure-Signer-Backup,destination=/Secure-Signer -v /var/run/aesmd:/var/run/aesmd --device /dev/sgx/enclave --device /dev/sgx/provision --name secure_signer_container pufferfinance/secure_signer:latest 

Verify that the container is running:

puffer@Puffer-Dev:~$ docker container ls                                                                                                
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
3ce85f5a1d33   pufferfinance/secure_signer:latest   "bash"    4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds             secure_signer_container

Attach to the container

Attach to the container using its name secure_signer_container. Notice the username is now root, indicating we are now inside the container.

puffer@Puffer-Dev:~$ docker exec -it secure_signer_container bash

Run Secure-Signer

The Secure-Signer enclave is built using the Occlum LibOS. To start Secure-Signer we will use the occlum run command and point to the secure-signer binary stored within the Occlum enclave image and specify port 9001.

root@Puffer-Dev:/Secure-Signer# occlum run /bin/secure-signer 9001                                                                     
Starting SGX Secure-Signer: localhost:9001 

The Secure-Signer HTTP server is now running!

Run using Docker exec

Alternatively, you can start Secure-Signer without attaching to the container by running the following:

puffer@Puffer-Dev:~$ docker exec secure_signer_container /bin/bash -c "occlum run /bin/secure-signer 9001"
Starting SGX Secure-Signer: localhost:9001 

Next steps

Most of the time your consensus client will interface with Secure-Signer, so it is not necessary to learn the full API. However, in the next section we will learn how to interface with Secure-Signer to perform basic operations like importing and generating validator keys.

Table of contents