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Puffer UniFi Vaults

Puffer vaults are a way to earn optimized yield across top DeFi protocols, along with points from select partners by depositing your assets into our strategy vaults.

How It Works

  1. Deposit your assets into a Puffer vault.
  2. Earn yield on your assets from the vaults.
  3. Withdraw your assets from the vaults.

Vault Contracts

Each Puffer vault consists of a set of the following contracts:

  • BoringVault
    The main vault ERC20 token contract which represents the vault's share of the deposited assets.
  • AccountantWithRateProviders
    Accountant contract with rate providers for the vault.
  • TellerWithMultiAssetSupport
    The contract that handles deposits to the vault.
  • AtomicQueue
    The contract that handles withdrawals from the vault in the form withdrawal queues.

Puffer Vaults

Interacting with the Vaults

Getting the balance of unifiETH (UniFi ETH Vault) for a wallet address.

const balance = await pufferClient.nucleusBoringVault

const balanceAmount = Number(balance) / 1e18;

Getting the rate compared to another ERC20 token.

const pufETHAddress = '0xd9a442856c234a39a81a089c06451ebaa4306a72';
const rate = await pufferClient.nucleusAccountant

const rateValue = Number(rate) / 1e18;

For more information on how to use the vault contracts, please refer to the API docs for the contract handlers: